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With X prototype, we help you launch your products to the market quickly.

Working with your team, we can provide support throughout the product design and development process. And we are able to ensure you the best products to be released from the process of initial model design, model structure or market validation and small batches to final products. Still, we are able to provide accurate numerical or profile models for marketing and exhibitions even after the product is released.

Expertise across industries

We work with companies in different fields of expertise but with one thing in common—they are all committed to producing the best products in their markets.

You may find us working with one F1 team to produce auto parts and some shampoo manufacturers to make fitted bottles, and race against time to make models of submarine submersible pump for a show in week’s time. However, this is just a little about what we do.

We, X Prototype, focus on serving our growing customers using our rapid prototyping process to provide prototyping and low-volume production solution. Our professional technical support team continuously invests in new technologies and machinery to ensure that we remain an industry leader. Recently, the second machining center was added and dedicates to CNC machining, which completely indicated the company's year-over-year growth.